Top 10 Amazing Facts about Brain you don't know

Brain is considered to be the most essential part of human existence which is responsible for the ability to think, express, feel, etc. or in simple words it controls our voluntary as well as involuntary actions such as to breathe etc. which is the most important thing to survive. It is made up of 75% of water and the brain is the one which helps to develop our own self and increase our personality. Since the pattern of the brain changes with time, the functioning of the brain also changes with the person. There are few facts which are known to the people but many people are unaware of the unknown facts of the brain:


According to the researchers, there is a Mid-brain Dopamine System(MDS) that provides signals to the rest of the brain about the non-occurred events which brings out the prediction events. This was known through the help of using Functional MRI. This predicting ability of the brain helps to maintain the mentality level which keeps on updating with the changing environment. It can be said that the predictions made by the brain is a part of smooth consciousness that sometimes comes out to be right due to the conclusions drawn from the recent patterns or the past experiences.
Thus, every time brains sees an event it tries to predict its future from that point of time.


The parents who get worried about their teen children should relax because the brains of teenagers are not fully developed but the teen attitude is just a part of the brain development. The gray matter of the brain develops just before puberty and is pushed back to period of adolescence when the massive development changes occur in the frontal lobes which are responsible for decision making any giving judgments.
In a research analysis, it has been shown that the parts of the brain responsible for multi-tasking do not get matured until the age of 17.And while performing any action, teens less likely than adults do not have the feeling of empathy or guilt so they learn it by socializing with others.


It is always said that a good night sleep is important for a human being. But nobody knows the main reason behind it. During the day brain does lots of activities which needs to be remembered so, night sleep is the best way to remember all those work done throughout the day as it also helps to stabilize our memories. Many scientists believe it is way to enhance the emotions and interactions of our daily life or processing up the information and events occurred that is why dreams appear.
The brain consists of two forms of movements: REM-Rapid Eye Movement where sleep is heavy and during which dreams occur in mind making the brain more active. Thus, people experience several events in one night sleep.
Other is NREM-Non Rapid Eye Movement where people do net get much sleep and there is no or little eye movement. It is often considered as a deeper stage of sleep where people can dream occasionally but since it’s not as conscious as REM sleep people tend to forget their dreams.
Research has shown that people having more IQ’s get more REM sleep whereas people suffering from physical stress get NREM sleep.


Women brains are considered to be smaller than men, but the nerve cells and the cortex of brain is larger and organized which makes them smarter than men allowing them to work more efficiently. The ability of thinking, identifying and controlling emotionally and using language skills is more in women but the ability to think logically is a part of man’s brain. Men have more ability of performing spatial activities than women.
It means that the men use only their left side of the brain often called rational or logical side of the brain to perform their task whereas women use both the sides of their brain which means they transfer the vibes to both left and right sides at a faster speed.
Thus according to researches being conducted it has been said that most of the men and women have some skills in common and some still find the differences between brains of men and women.


Since the body weight of a human is 2%, the brain consumes energy of about 20% produced by the body. This is so because brain is responsible for memorizing, sensing etc. so energy is required for all these purposes along with a little amount of oxygen that is required both during sleeping and while being awake. If the required amount of energy is not supplied to the brain or the central nervous system then it may lead to disorders like stroke.
In a research it has been shown that a large amount of energy is correlated with the active signal processing and more of the energy is consumed while doing a mental work.


Scientists have conducted researches on the different sizes of brain. According to them, people having big heads have larger brain with high level of IQ”s being more intelligent and clever than the people having smaller heads. The smaller heads are considered to be least intellectual and focused and the people who have larger brains are considered intelligent because of more brain cells.
According to researchers the size of the head only predicts the size of the brain. They found that Einstein’s scientific genius brain was different from the other scientists because of high ratio of the neurons.
Another famous example is Ung Young who already understood algebra at the age of 8 months, by the age of 2 got fluent in 4 languages and graduated at the age of 15.


Pain is something which the brain gives us as a warning signal of something happened. Since the brain itself is not a sensory organ but gives us commands through the sensory organs such as eyes , skin, tongue etc. if something pains us. The brain is considered to lack pain receptors that is why it is not able to detect things.
But we still get headache that is due to some sensitive structure around the brain because brain has no nerves present in it. The main function of the brain is to warn us against a particular danger by sending signals through the spinal cord.
Since the brain is numb to pain so surgeons can perform brain operation even if the patient is awake to ensure that there is not any kind of problems in the vision or motor control functions.


This is known to every human that are brain works as a single part but it is an unknown fact that the brain works into two different functions. The Right brain works and is oriented visually and conceptually while the Left brain thinks more rationally and analytically.
The brain’s right side controls the muscles of left side of the body whereas the left brain controls the muscles of right side of the body. Thus the brain assigns and control functions to each side carefully. They help to correct the images which are actually inverted.
Most of the analysts believe that left side of the brain is responsible for the language communication whereas the right side is responsible for recognizing people.
And due to this crisscross wiring, damage to one side of the brain affects the other side of the body.


Neurons are the cells within the nervous system that pass on information to other nerve cells or muscles through electrical and chemical signals. Whenever we think, laugh, move , talk etc. it is because of these signals are running between these neurons along billions of other tiny neurons which create and send large number of messages.
Thus, if a single neuron generates a single amount of electricity, all the other neurons together generates so much amount of electricity that it can power up a light bulb. They send information to brain at more than 150 miles per hour.
Researchers have found out that special cells called Glia in the brain transport nutrients to neurons and hold the neurons at their place.


Has anybody thought what is the reason behind being smart? It is because of the wrinkles present in the brain. The top of the brain is convoluted by deep fissures , smaller grooves called Sulci and ridges called Gyri whose surface is the Cerebral Cortex where neurons are located. Because of this we are able to store so much of information which creates more wrinkles making us think intelligently.
Since humans have a bigger size brain than animals, humans have have more capacity to produce neurons which creates wrinkles indicating the limit how much humans can learn.
But the wrinkles with which we are born stays throughout our life keeping our brain healthy.

Thus it can be said that brain is the vital organ of the body without which a human body is numb.