Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Royal Baby

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge can now happily call themselves parents. The Royal baby has finally arrived. Kate Middleton on Monday, July 22 at 4.24 p.m. London time gave birth to a healthy child at St. Mary’s Hospital which reportedly weighs 3.8 kilograms. St. Mary is the same Hospital where Princess Diana gave birth to Prince William in 1982 and Prince Harry in 1984. People across the country and across the commonwealth are merrily celebrating and wishing the royal couple. U.S. President Barack Obama congratulated the royal family on this “joyous” event. A written statement announcing the birth of the true ‘heir to the throne’ was placed upon a gilded easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace which erupted cheers from the paparazzi and hundreds of onlookers. Here we bring to you some interesting and fascinating facts about the royal newborn.

10. The Royal child and the future King of UK is a baby boy 

The debut child of Kate Middleton and Prince William is a healthy and beautiful baby boy. Kate Middleton wanted a son but Prince William had a desire for a lovely daughter. However, Kate’s wish has been granted and Prince William stated that he could not be happier. As soon as the news displayed in line with tradition on an easel, it sparked joy and celebration among the royal fans waiting outside the hospital to become a part of the century’s one of the most remarkable event. It is an incredibly special child for the royal family as the brand new Prince is the first great grandson of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England who is a direct successor to the throne and also the first grandchild of His Royal Highness Duke Charles of Wales.

9. Royal Baby Boy is named Prince George Alexander Louis 

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have announced the name of their newborn son, he will be known to the world as George Alexander Louis. Unlike Prince Charles whose name was announced in a month and Prince William who was named after a week, the royal baby’s name was announced two days after his birth which is a most welcome change for the delighted bookies around the world who laid the odds of 7/4 that if the infant is a boy then he will be named George. The name is a tribute given to the Queen Elizabeth’s father George VI who happens to be the great great grandfather of the royal child. Prince George’s name is further inspired by the Queen’s Elizabeth’s middle name Alexandra which is a female version of Alexander and then followed by Prince William’s middle name Louis which was given to him by Prince Charles’s mentor Louis Mountbatten. People all around the globe were expecting that the new parents wouldn’t wander too far to select a name of the future reigning King of 16 sovereign states whose name could symbolise an era.

8. The royal child will carry the title “His Royal Highness Prince 

Now that the royal baby is born, named and is already famous, everybody’s wondering what would be his official title. Since titles in the royal family of England are of utmost significance, the little prince is titled “His Royal Highness Prince George Alexandra Louis of Cambridge.” Regarding the last name of the child there is no word out from the palace. However, the members of the royal family can either have a surname or they simply can suffix the name of the royal house in which they live. The newborn’s father and uncle have adopted the name Wales as their last name, based on their father Prince Charles of Wales. Once the surname of the child is decided which can either be Wales from his father’s name Prince William Wales or it can also be Cambridge from the royal house in which Prince William and Kate reside, his mouthful official title would be “His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis Cambridge or Wales of Cambridge”

7. Prince George is third-in-line to the royal throne 

Many people who are unaware of the history of British Monarchy would think why the birth of this child is such an important event and why it’s given extensive media coverage, the reason is simple the royal newborn – Prince George is third direct successor to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II after his grandfather Prince Charles and father Prince William. Prince George has replaced his uncle Prince Harry who has now slipped down from third in line to forth in line. A direct successor to the throne means that one day Prince George will be the reigning King of United Kingdom and 15 other commonwealth realms. He would have the ultimate power as a supreme Governor of the Church of England. If his grandfather Prince Charles lives till 80 years of age then in that case Prince George will not be the constitutional monarch till 2062.

6. A 41-gun salute fired in London parks to celebrate birth 

Soon after the birth of the royal baby, gun salutes sounded across London to celebrate the arrival of the true “heir to the throne.” To mark the birth of Queen Elizabeth’s great grandson and welcome a new member in the royal family, the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and the Honourable Artillery Company carried out the ceremonial royal salutes. Irrespective of the place in the line to the throne gun salutes are fired for the birth of every Prince or Princess. The royal gun salute traditionally comprises of 21 guns but when the salute is given from the royal house or park the additional 20 guns are added to the tradition. The King’s Royal Troop paraded past Buckingham palace wearing the full meticulous royal uniform and moved towards the Green Park where the 41-gun royal salute was staged from six First World War-era 13-pounder field guns at 10-second interval.

5. The royal birth has temporarily boosted the UK economy 

The royal birth of Prince George has given a limited but overwhelmingly positive boost to the UK economy when it already is growing in the right direction. The arrival of this newborn has not only boosted the retail sales but has also benefited the bookmakers and punters who were betting on the gender and name of William and Kate’s debut child. Estimates based on the royal wedding of 2011 and Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee of 2012 suggests that this remarkable birth will give the economy a £240 million boost. The injection of fresh momentum will be in the form of high demand for souvenirs, toys, champagne and other commemorative items which will give the UK a “royal baby boost.” It seems like His Royal Highness Prince George has already started working for the positive growth of his Kingdom by contributing to a general feel-good factor.

4. His Royal Highness Prince George is a Cancerian 

The subject of much debate about the New Prince of Cambridge’s zodiac Sign has eventually concluded when he was born as a Cancerian on July 22 at 4.24 p.m. local time in London. He must have been a Leo if he would have born 30 minutes later. However, the new baby-Prince George is born under sun sign Cancer which is also his father Prince William’s and Late Grandmother Princess Diana’s astrological sign. Cancer is a cardinal sign and those who are born under it always keep things moving. Like his father and grandmother he will take a stand for what he believes in and will be highly emotional, protective, loving, caring and controlling. Many astrologers around the globe have started believing that the child is an incarnation of Lady Diana as he shares his astrological cycle with his Late Grandmother and hence already declared a born leader.

3. Prince George of Cambridge will have multiple godparents 

In Church of England, the word Godparent is of great significance as they are the ones chosen by the parents to take interest in a child’s upbringing and look after his betterment. The contribution of a Godparent in a child’s life is huge and when a baby is a royal newborn who will most likely to be a future Monarch, the contribution doubles. Therefore, every royal child usually has six to eight godparents to share this great and crucial responsibility among them. The role is an important one, so Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are carefully considering as to who will be given the honour and privilege of being a positive influence in the life of the future King. Prince William’s younger brother Prince Harry, Kate Middleton’s darling sister Pippa Middleton, William’s old friend James Meade and his best friend Thomas Van Straubenzee, Alicia Fox–Pitt who is Kate’s loyal and most trusted friend are most likely to be the royal Godparents of Prince George of Cambridge.

2. After 120 years a reigning monarch met a future king three 

Queen Elizabeth was eagerly waiting to see her great grandchild and she made a short journey from Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace to pay a visit to his royal great grandson who is a direct successor to her throne after her son and grandson. She spend nearly 30 minutes with Prince George, Prince William and Kate Middleton making the meeting a historic occasion as it’s after 120 years a serving monarch has met a great grandchild. It was back in 1894 when such an occasion took place and at that time reigning Queen Victoria met her great grandson Prince Edward. Queen Elizabeth joked that she was hoping that the baby would arrive before she went on holiday the previous week and she is thrilled to see that the child is healthy and amazingly beautiful. Now that she has seen the future face of UK she can freely enjoy her traditional summer break in Scotland.

3. First monarch of the 22nd century –

His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis could be the first monarch of 22nd century if he lives for more than 87 years. At the turn of 21st century his age will be the same as Queen Elizabeth’s current age of 87. He is third in line of succession to the royal throne which can rest assure the royal family that there existence will be around for centuries to come. The child will be the 43rd monarch since Emperor William conquered England in 1066. After the reign of Queen Elizabeth it seems like we have to wait for decades or who knows even centuries before another female monarch is born, as the three direct descendants of Queen Elizabeth II are male heirs. With the monarch’s living longer the chance of successors to reign before 60 years of age is reducing. However, it doesn’t matter in which year the little Prince will become the monarch as long as the royal family carries the same level of respect and power for centuries.